
Tomorrow I fly to Fort Lauderdale for a one month house-sit.  It's a home I've been to many times and I'm quite comfortable there.  I find many more like minded people in Boulder, but there is one thing that's quite interesting to me.  I can have a discussion on religion, or vaccines, with the woman I house-sit for and be in complete disagreement, but we manage to do it without rage.  It's really satisfying to try to understand someone's viewpoint, feel completely opposite, and still walk away friends.  I hope someday she'll come around to my way of thinking, but I know she is hoping I'll change, too.

Here is my horoscope for today from Sally Brompton. 

"The sooner you accept that you will never reach a point in your life where everything is perfect the sooner you will start enjoying yourself again. Why try to be some impossibly great human being when you can just be yourself? That’s good enough."


  1. I really like this quote! "It's really satisfying to try to understand someone's viewpoint, feel completely opposite, and still walk away friends."

    Well said!

    1. Thanks, Yvette! I'm back in Florida now, spending some time with that same friend. We still agree to disagree, and it's wonderful to be able to talk about it in a civil manner.


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